GEO PEST MANAGEMENT SDN BHD (geo) has been established since 2001. A prime company that has strived and achieved Success over a very short period of time. The rapid growth and success of PSB can be attributed to two major factors: the Geo “PEST” management system which we implement and the high standards of quality, which we propagate.
The “PEST” technology is a very simple 4 step pest management system. The system, properly implemented would give us the edge needed to successfully control pests effectively. “PEST” means Partnership, Exclusion, Sanitation and Treatment. This system has proved to be very successful, especially in the Food and Hotel industries. Our testimonials speak for themselves; the “PEST” technology has solved the conventional pest control problems! As the world becomes more conscious of the Environment, Businesses are turning to “PEST” technology, which delivers up to 80% less Active Pesticide or toxic to the target areas, and consequently makes less harmful Pesticide available to the Environment.
A sound system alone is not good enough to be successful. The People administrating it should be equally competent. Therefore, we have employed Entomologist and Microbiologists to strengthen our Operations. These personnel have studied the behavioral patens of Pests and armed with this, their recommendations and services translates better and more effective management of pests.
Our service Guarantee is that we, at geo will strive to deliver the best possible service at all times to all our Clients equally.